Saturday, December 21, 2013

All the children went to their relatives for Christmas except for Wesley who has never been away from us since he was 18 months old. I took Sawrens home and oh my what a house where his sister lives. It is a bunch of box houses very short and small all piled together.  No running water or bathrooms. They must have one big outhouse. His sister told me that he is the only one to have a chance in life and to do something with his life. That brought tears to my eyes. I am so thankful he doesn't have to live there. His parents are both dead and it made me feel so good that we are helping him and getting him out of there.

Then I took Lorens home our 8 year old cerebral pasly boy who cannot speak. He has lovely parents but so poor and three other kids. They rent a little 2 room place that is clean but so very primitive. .Lorens does so much better at our house with a better life and so much more room for him to run around.  Another great feeling knowing we can take care of him and give him a better life.

My son in the army got his deployment cancelled so we quickly booked our tickets and came home to Michigan. All three of my boys are here and my four grandchildren. What a huge blessing! I  never knew I would be home for Christmas and it is so nice to be in snow and the cold air. I will go back to Haiti no later than January because the kids will come back then and school starts January 7th.  I drive most of them to school every morning, must work on adoptions and our license. There is always a lot to do to keep me busy.

They did come to survey the land  last Tuesday so we will discuss all the details in January. That will be very exciting!

May we all celebrate HIS birth and remember HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON and how blessed we are to know HIM and have a relationship with HIM.

Merry Christmas, Ann

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